Monday, January 14, 2019

Facts about human

If a person sleeps a lot, he/she is sad
Tears don't come when you miss a person, but they came when you don't want to miss a person
If someone can't cry, he/she is weak
The happier you are, the less sleep you require to function in everyday life. Sadness increases the urge to sleep more.
If someone becomes angry over silly or petty things, it means he/she needs love.
People who swears a lot tend to be more honest, loyal and upfront with their friends.
If someone eats in an abnormal manner, he/she is tense.
If someone cries on  little things, he/she is innocent and soft-hearted.
When women are talking to you about their problems, they're likely not looking for an answer and just want you to listen
Men and women tend to blink more often during conversation with someone they're interested in.

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