Wednesday, April 29, 2020

"This one's for you" by Eleni Sophia

Monday, April 27, 2020



Apabila saudara/saudari mendengar azan, maka bangunlah bersembahyang serta-merta walau bagaimana keadaan saudara sekalipun

Bacalah al-quran atau tatapilah ilmu atau pergilah mendengar perkara yang baik atau berzikir, jangan sama sekali membuang masa dengan perkara sia-sia.

Berusaha sedaya upaya  untuk bertutur dalam bahasa arab fusha kerana ia merupakan salah satu syiar islam.

Janganlah banyak berdebat dalam apa perkara sekalipun kerana pertengkaran kosong tidak mendatangkan sebarang kebaikan.

Jangan banyak ketawa kerana hati yang sentiasa berhubung dengan Allah itu sentiasa tenang lagi tenteram.

Janganlah bergurau kerana umat yang  berjihad sentiasa bersungguh dan serius dalam setiap perkara.

Jangan bercakap lebih nyaring daripada kadar yang dikehendaki oleh pendengar kerana ia menjemukan dan boleh menyakiti pendengar.

Jauhi daripada mengumpat peribadi orang, mengecam pertubuhan - pertubuhan dan jangan bercakap melainkan perkara yang mendatangkan kebaikan.

Berkenalanlah dengan setiap rakan yang saudara/saudari temui sekalipun saudara/saudari tidak diminta berbuat demikian kerana asas dakwah kita ialah berkasih sayang dan berkenalan.

Kewajipan lebih banyak daripada waktu, oleh itu bantulah rakan mu untuk memanfaatkan waktu mereka dan jika saudara/saudari berurusan maka singkatlah masa pelaksanaannya.


Orang yang banyak bicaranya, janganlah engkau harapkan sangat kesedaran hatinya.

Orang yang banyak makan, janganlah engkau harapkan kata-kata hikmah daripadanya.

Orang yang banyak bergaul dengan manusia, janganlah engkau harapkan sangat kemanisan ibadahnya.

Orang yang cintakan dunia, janganlah engkau harapkan sangat husnul khatimahnya.

Orang yang bodoh, janganlah engkau harapkan sangat akan hidup hatinya.

Orang yang memilih untuk berkawan dengan orang yang zalim, janganlah engkau harapkan sangat kelurusan hatinya.

Orang yang mencari keredhaan manusia, janganlah engkau harapkan sangat keredhaan allah padanya.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

8-hour work is too profitable for big business

"But the 8-hour work is too profitable for big business, not because of the amount of work people get done in eight hours (the average office worker gets less than three hours of actual work done in 8 hours), but because it makes for such a purchase-happy public. Keeping free time scarce means people pay a lot more for convenience, gratification, and any other relief they can buy. it keeps them watching television, and its commercials. It keeps them unambitious outside of work. We've been led into a culture that has been engineered to leave us tired, hungry for indulgence, willing to pay a lot for convenience and entertainment, and most importantly, vaguely dissatisfied with our lives, so that we continue wanting things we don't have. We buy so much because it always seems like something is still missing."

Monday, April 20, 2020

You deserve to be loved the way you love others

You deserve to be loved the way you love others. You deserve to sleep beside someone who does not try to quiet your heartbeat, or your passion, or the way you show up in this world. You deserve to be with the kind of person who makes you their favourite thing, the kind of person who loves all of your twists and does not try to untie them. you deserve to love someone who does not judge you for the ways in which you had to kill your sadness, someone who does not hold your past against you. You deserve to be chosen, and to never be loved in halves. You deserve someone who is sure of you, you deserve someone who stays.

However, you also deserve to be this person for yourself. For your capacity to be alone, your capacity to be your own home, your own foundation, is going to directly reflect the way you love these people when they come into your life. When you know yourself, when you stand up for your heart, you do not bankrupt who you are just to keep half loves in your life. Love becomes less about filling a void, love becomes less about possession, less about dependence, and it transforms into something that can be fully, and deeply appreciated and felt, because you are not afraid that its loss will destroy you. You are not afraid of being without it, because you will always have yourself. 

-Bianca Sparacino

Friday, April 17, 2020


Bagaimana wanita boleh bersedekah, sedangkan mereka adalah suri rumah dan mereka juga tidak punya gaji atau gaji tidak seberapa untuk disedekahkan?

Apabila seorang wanita mendengar tentang keutamaan sedekah, ada yang merasa sedih dan berandaikan dengan berkata: "Bagaimana, sedang aku tak punya duit?" Walaupun demikian, kita wanita diperintahkan untuk bersedekah.

Rasulullah SAW  bersabda:

"Wahai setiap wanita, bersedekahlah, dan perbanyaklah istighfar, sebab aku melihat kalian sebagai majoriti penghuni neraka."

Dan sabda beliau itu menambah khuatir dan rasa takut pada diri kita. Dan solusinya?

Sebenarnya mudah; sesungguhnya kurnia dan kemurahan Allah Ta'ala begitu luas dan tiada henti.
Dia menjadikan sedekah bukan hanya pada harta sahaja. Namun, setiap pintu kebaikan adalah sedekah.

Berikut contoh-contohnya:

Sedekah itu beraneka ragam:

1. Setiap tasbih dan tahmid adalah sedekah.

2. Setiap takbir dan tahlil adalah sedekah.

3. Amar ma'ruf nahi munkar anda (menganjurkan yang baik dan mencegah yang buruk) adalah sedekah.

4. Bukalah Whatsapp, FB, Instagram dll anda setiap hari, bersedekahlah dengan cara mengirim ucapan-ucapan yang baik kepada semua yang anda kenal, dan setiap kalimat yang baik adalah sedekah. Share ilmu agama , kuliah , ilmu yg bermanfaat.

5. Senyum anda kepada suami dan anak-anak anda, serta kepada sesama kaum muslimat adalah sedekah.

6. Dua rakaat Dhuha menyamai 360 sedekah.

7. Tahanlah diri anda dari keinginan untuk berbuat buruk, itu pun sedekah.

8. Singkirkanlah setiap bentuk gangguan yang dapat mencelakakan orang dijalan, itupun sedekah.

9. Ucapkanlah salam kepada siapa saja yang anda temui, itupun sedekah.

10. Berilah makan kepada jiran atau sesiapa pun dengan makanan yang juga anda dan keluarga anda makan, itupun sedekah.

11. Berilah makan pada kucing, burung atau binatang lainnya atau manusia, itupun sedekah.

12. Muliakanlah tamu di rumah anda yang melebihi 3 hari, itupun sedekah.

13. Berusahalah menolong dan membantu orang lain, samada org Islam ataupun bkn Islam, itupun sedekah.

14. Tuntutlah ilmu agama, ajarkan dan sebarkan, baik dengan cara mendengar, membaca, atau menulis sesuai kemampuan anda, itupun sedekah.

15. Seteguk air yang anda berikan untuk orang yang haus adalah sedekah.

Milik Allah lah segala puji dan kurnia.

Kaedah Penting:

Lakukanlah secara ikhlas dan tanpa mengharapkan balasan dari siapapun...

Kaum kerabat lebih utama untuk mendapat kebaikan kita (kedua orang tuamu, suami, dan anak-anakmu). Mereka yang paling utama.... yang paling dekat, kemudian yang terdekat.

Perlu diingatkan bahawa;
"Sedekah itu menghapus dosa, sebagaimana air mematikan api".

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

No one benefits when you pretend to be small

"No one benefits when you pretend to be small. If you dare to dream in a way that requires you to meet yourself at your best, to reach and even fail occasionally on your way to success, then with it you’ll eventually see everything you were always worthy of: the you you always wanted to be. Success is not marked by the ease of getting there, the sure-thing, or the tried and true way... there’s no such thing. Unstoppable success, to me, is now defined by the defining moment that changes everything... when life shows you a final belief you had to break to finally look yourself in the mirror and go: “I like where your heart is, I want to see how far you can go. I promise to stay out of your way. Here goes everything.” When you fight to believe it, trust it when you see it."

- Sara Shermis

Monday, April 13, 2020

Three Steps to Transform you Life

-Lena Kay

Step 1. Laser focus on what you want and only what you want. Don't talk yourself or allow yourself to be talked out of your desire. Write it down. Don't let yourself get distracted. 

 Step 2. Question what you consciously and unconsciously believe about your desire. Limiting beliefs prevent us from getting what we desire. Practice self-mastery to overcome these limiting beliefs. This is important, because in life, we get what we believe about our desire, not what we actually desire. Line up your beliefs with what you want. 

Step 3. Act, imagine and feel as if your desire has already manifested and from there, take the next step (take action) towards what you want. You must change on the inside before you can see changes on the outside.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Fancy quotes by Abraham Hicks

 What you are living is the evidence of what you are thinking and feeling - every single time. 

A belief is only a thought I keep thinking.

As you think thoughts that feel good to you, you will be in harmony with who you really are. 

The secret of the universe really is minding your own business. What we mean by that is: don't go so involved in the desires of beliefs of others that you cause confusion or chatter in your own vibration and compromised your own alignment.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

You're not deep in anything except potential and possibility and ideas

Get into a clear place where you're laughing where the ideas always are. Fun is where the ideas are. Laughter's where the ideas are. Love is where the ideas are. Appreciation is where the ideas are. The co-operative components are in the good feel emotion place, you see. Notice how with levity and fun, all things feel possible. All things are possible, but you have to get into the all-things-are-possible pile. And the all things are possible pile is right there for you to choose from. It's just that you can't jump from one pile to the other. But knowing that both piles exist and knowing which pile your inner being is in, and being willing to separate yourself through meditation. Your inner being can lead you from where ever you are out into the light. Or you might already be standing out in the field in the light. There's nothing serious going on and nothing to worry about. And you're not deep in anything except potential and possibility and ideas.

-Abraham Hicks

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Quotes on Healing

Denial won't speed up your healing. Blocking our memories won't erase what you're feeling. Ignoring your wounds won't subdue the suffering. Accept the pain, acknowledge its existence, learn from it, and then release it to create space for something beautiful to take its place.

Healing means mourning the loss of a past life. Mourning the coping mechanisms, relationships, + predictable patterns that self once called home.

Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls your life. 

We think the healing is letting go of the person, moving on from the event, setting those boundaries. But the next phase is facing how those experiences impacted our own internal voice, thoughts and beliefs.

The goal of emotional healing is not to become so "healed" that you can handle endless amounts of dysfunction. The goal is to be so convinced of your worth, that the dysfunction is no longer appealing.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Be aware of these types of relationships

You deserve to be in spaces and relationships that make you happy, that feed your soul and help you grow. You are worthy of connections that are loving, nourishing, kind, and authentic. So, before you setttle for anything less than, remind yourself that the places you visit, and the people you journey with through life, should make you feel safe, loved, and enough.

-Alex Alle