Sunday, August 30, 2009

Safety and Security message for women

Another Safety and Security message received and be warned :- Just to share with you aware than sorry later!

Snatch Thieves

Dear friends,

This happen to me yesterday at Sunway Damansara (traffic light junction Turning to palm spring condo), at 3pm.

It was red light and i was the 2nd car stopped at the traffic light..2 malay on motorbike stop near my car and one of them get down from the motor smashed my passenger side window, sprayed pepper spray on my eyes and snatch the handbag away... it just happened within a second.. and i horn horn horn ... no one can really help.. and i suffered pain on my eyes, face and hand.. i lost everything inclusive my hand phone... thieves are smarter now. With your suffer eyes and pain , you are unable to rush to bank or police station to make report even can't see their face and number plate.. they have used my credit card at petrol station near by after that.

Pls be alert and DO NOT put your handbag at the passenger side. Stay alert whenever u go and don't be the next victim.. Thank god ,my kids was not with me when things happened....


When staying in Hotels / Hostels

Please keep in mind when you are travelling alone and forward to female friends and colleagues who may travel alone. To the guys, share this with your sisters and all those women you know. I've always used the menu which hang outside your doorknob to order breakfast when on business trips.

I was recently staying at a well-known hotel and I ordered room service for the next day on the flyer-like thing that you stick outside your door. On this order form, one writes her name, how many persons will be eating, your room number, time of delivery etc.

I hung it on the outside of my door for collection - it was a mistake! I had given someone all the ammunition that he would need.

That someone went to my door-tag got my name and room number. And then told the front desk that he was my husband (remember my tag showed 1 female name) and that he needed a new key. The clerk WITHOUT ASKING FOR ID OR CALLING MY ROOM GAVE HIM MY ROOM KEY!

At 2 a.m .. I was awakened by my door opening (luckily I had put the security bar across) with a man's hand trying to figure out how to get the bar undone. I started yelling at him and told him that I was on the phone with the police.

He shut the door and left. I called down to the lobby and spoke with the Front Desk - I wanted to alert Security about the incident.

The hotel staff said and I quote, "Oops, sorry about that" then hung up. Well, let's just say that I was both terrified and angry the rest of the night. Next morning, I spoke with a Hotel Manager whose eyes almost popped out of his head when he learned that his clerk had given an unidentified stranger a key to my room. Am I glad that I am typing this to all of you with my 2 year old kid on my lap. I don't want to think of what might have happened if the safety chain/bar had not been secured.

Please forward this to your female family members & friends. Better be safe than sorry.


About Malaysian Security Guards - Must Read..IMPORTANT! !!

Don't work too late, Ladies, please take care and you men please tell your wife to make Sure that they are not alone when they stay back to work. Let me tell you a true story.

There is a girl was raped and murdered. She went back to work on a public holiday with another girl, the boyfriend even packed lunch for them and later when the girls wanted to go home, the car couldn't start and the other girl's boyfriend who came to pick her up didn't wait coz the girl told them to go off first and there was a security guard helping her. She didn't come home that night and they found her body in a burnt car abandoned in a rubber Estate in Dengkil on the 3rd day.

The guard reported to work and acted normal during the police investigation but when the Police questioned him again, he remembered the colour of her clothes in detail and they noticed that the hair on his hands were seared although there was no burnt marks. He finally admitted to killing her. There was no cover up but the case was not in the papers. Don't ever trust the security guards. Be sure to keep the office door lock.

Hey girls, Be forewarned and please be doubly, even triply cautious whenever There is a need to stay back late at work. If at all possible, leave the Plant early when there are still people around. Better yet, if there is still work that must absolutely be completed by that day, bring it home!

Just heard about a rape case at a multinational company which just happened. The victim is married with kids, she worked till 11pm. Security guard raped her in the toilet. She managed to escape and drove herself to the hospital.

Next day, the other employees was shocked to see the condition of the toilet. Blood and her hair everywhere, and all the brooms and mops were broken. The police later came and arrested the security Guard, who still reported for work the next day. However, they manage to cover it up, didn' t come up in the news or anything.I can 't imagine how many such cases have been covered up in Malaysia. (This is a sad reality) .Please girls, don't put your life in danger by working late or being negligent. You can never be too careful nowadays.

Malaysia ranks number 2 in crime against woman.

My extra note: guys, please tell your mom, your sister, your wife, girlfriends and all your female friends around you too!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pemikiran Skeptik Yang Menyakitkan Umat

Pemikiran Skeptik Yang Menyakitkan Umat
August 17th, 2009 by Abu Saif 2,582 views

Habib Bourguiba

"Kenapa dia berkata begitu? Dia tak faham al-Quran dan Sunnah ke?" seorang hadirin ceramah mengkritik.

"Apa dia tidak baca sirah? Buta sejarah?" tambah seorang lagi.

Semua naik angin. Marah dengan Habib Bourguiba.

Beliau adalah Presiden Tunisia yang pertama, memerintah dari tahun 1957 hingga 1987. Bourguiba selalu disinonimkan dengan Mustafa Kemal Ataturk kerana keghairahannya kepada pembaratan yang disamakan dengan pemodenan.

Isunya ialah pada tahun 1961. Habib Bourguiba telah mengeluarkan arahan tidak membenarkan penjawat awam di negaranya, Tunisia , berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan. Bagi menegaskan arahan itu, beliau dan anggota kabinetnya telah muncul secara langsung di kaca televisyen pada tengah hari bulan Ramadhan dan mereka makan beramai-ramai.

Alasan Habib Bourguiba senang sahaja, berpuasa mengurangkan produktiviti negara!


Pandangan Habib Bourguiba itu, jika mahu dikategorikan, ia termasuk di dalam apa yang dinamakan sebagai Religious Skepticism.

Pemikiran skeptik atau sinis terhadap agama ini berperingkat.

Ada sinis yang merujuk kepada beberapa aspek di dalam ajaran agama. Seseorang itu mungkin sinis dengan hukum membasuh jilatan anjing dengan tanah. Atau hukum menutup aurat. Mungkin juga soal harta pusaka yang dibahagikan dua bahagian kepada pewaris yang lelaki dan satu bahagian kepada pewaris yang perempuan.
Ada juga pemikiran skeptik, ditujukan kepada institusi agama. Misalnya, anti 'orang masjid', mungkin juga kepada pihak berkuasa agama seperti JAWI, JAIS, JAKIM dan lain-lain. Tidak lupa dengan alergi mereka kepada parti politik Islam, atau badan-badan yang menjadikan Islam sebagai identiti organisasi mereka.

Peringkat ketiga pula, ialah pemikiran skeptik terhadap keseluruhan ajaran agama. Mereka tidak semestinya anti Tuhan atau atheist namun mereka sinis terhadap semua agama yang dianggap sebagai doktrin yang penuh kecurigaan.
Walau apa pun bentuk Religious Skepticism yang muncul, kesemuanya adalah tindak balas (response). Apabila diertikan sebagai tindak balas, tentu ada sesuatu yang berlaku sebagai reaksi kepada kejadian tersebut. Ia bukan asal, tetapi ia adalah tindak balas kepada sesuatu yang telah mengambil tempat terlebih dahulu.

Terkini, ASTRO mendedikasikan saluran 110 sebagai tribute kepada Allahyarham Yasmin Ahmad dengan menyiarkan koleksi filem terbitan atau arahan beliau seperti Sepet dan Gubra.
Jika kita menonton dengan teliti sebarisan filemnya bermula daripada Rabun, kepada Sepet, Gubra, Mukhsin, Muallaf dan terkini Talentime, ada sesuatu yang konsisten di dalam semua sentuhan karya Yasmin Ahmad. Selain sentuhan kreatif yang unik, filem-filem Yasmin Ahmad konsisten dengan tema atau elemen Religious Skepticism.
Penonjolan babak imam yang mesra dengan jiran-jirannya yang pelacur di dalam filem Gubra, hubungan cinta antara seorang gadis Melayu dengan anak muda Cina, malah anjing yang dibelai mesra oleh bilal masjid, semua itu adalah simbol dalam menterjemahkan apa yang dinamakan sebagai pemikiran skeptik terhadap agama.
Oleh kerana Religious Skepticism semakin berleluasa mendominasi pemikiran masyarakat khususnya di dalam kelompok urban, maka hasil karya Yasmin Ahmad semacam menjadi jurucakap untuk meluahkan pandangan ini yang sejak sekian lama tidak mudah untuk diketengahkan ke perhatian massa. Yasmin Ahmad menerima penghormatan dan pengiktirafan yang sungguh luar biasa.

Jika kita bersetuju bahawa Religious Skepticism itu ialah satu bentuk tindak balas, maka datang soalan kedua; pemikiran Religious Skepticism yang ada pada Yasmin Ahmad datangnya sebagai tindak balas kepada apa? Apakah pengalaman yang telah ditempuh oleh graduan Ijazah Psikologi daripada England ini?

Saya tidak mempunyai sebarang penjelasan kerana saya tidak mengenali beliau secara peribadi. Namun mungkin beliau menempuh episod hidup yang penuh dengan peristiwa berbentuk penilaian, hukuman, malah mungkin sindiran dan cemuhan yang menggalakkan skepticism itu semakin meruncing.

Jika kita tidak berpuas hati dengan mesej-mesej Yasmin Ahmad, mari berjiwa besar untuk berani menyoal diri. Adakah Religious Skepticism itu bulat-bulat ditujukan ke atas beliau, atau ada sesuatu yang mendominasi kecenderungan masyarakat kita hingga menggalakkan pemikiran seperti itu? Sebahagian jari yang menunding, mungkin perlu balik kepada diri.

Zainah Anwar, teraju utama Sisters in Islam
Satu lagi topik yang berkait rapat dengan Religious Skepticism ialah sebuah pertubuhan yang dikenali sebagai Sisters in Islam SIS). Pertubuhan ini mempunyai peranan yang signifikan dalam memperjuangan beberapa aspek bersangkutan hal kebajikan kaum wanita Muslim dan ia tidak boleh dinafikan. Kelancaran proses mahkamah yang mesti diperkemaskan agar wanita Muslim tidak menderita digantung tidak bertali, adalah di antara subjek yang banyak disentuh oleh sukarelawan SIS yang amat komited.

Namun, ada sesuatu yang juga konsisten dalam pemikiran dan ucapan tokoh-tokoh utamanya. Elemen yang saya maksudkan itu ialah Religious Skepticism. Keketaraannya lebih terasa dalam aspek sinis mereka kepada institusi agama yang dilihat tidak bertindak wajar dalam hal kesamarataan, keadilan, kebebasan dan kemuliaan kaum wanita Muslim di negara kita.

Mendesak agar al-Quran ditafsir semula, bukanlah suatu isu baru. Tetapi mendesaknya dengan alasan ahli-ahli Tafsir dahulu semuanya lelaki, lalu hukum yang keluar bersifat male chauvanist, adalah suatu manifestasi kepada Religious Skepticism. Rramai sukarelawan yang terbabit di dalam gerakan-gerakan pembelaan wanita seperti Sisters in Islam, membawa mesej yang boleh digunapakai untuk memperbaiki banyak aspek perlaksanaan Islam, tetapi mencetus banyak kontroversi kerana ia diperjuangkan secara sinis atau skeptik.

Sedikit sebanyak pemikiran yang bersarang dengan prejudis kepada lelaki dan institusi agama ini mungkin berpunca daripada pengalaman diri sukarelawan tersebut berkaitan dengan lelaki.

Menyaksikan bapa mendera ibu yang diperhambakan dalam sebuah perkahwinan.

Melihat penindasan yang berlaku ke atas janda yang tergantung hidup oleh suami yang enggan mentalakkannya, tetapi terus menerus mendera emosi dan mungkin fizikal isteri.

Menjadi mangsa kejahatan lelaki.

Atau terus menerus dihentam golongan yang tidak bersetuju, kebetulannya mereka itu adalah ustaz, mufti, ulama, yang semuanya adalah lelaki.

Religious Skepticism adalah reaksi.

Ada sesuatu yang berlaku sebelum pemikiran skeptik itu menguasai.

Jika kita tidak berpuas hati dengan mesej-mesej Sisters in Islam, mari berjiwa besar untuk berani menyoal diri. Adakah Religious Skepticism itu bulat-bulat dibebankan ke atas mereka, atau ada sesuatu yang mendominasi kecenderungan masyarakat kita hingga menggalakkan pemikiran seperti itu? Sebahagian jari yang menunding, mungkin perlu balik kepada diri.

Sesuatu yang perlu difikirkan.


Anak muda ini adalah bekas pelajar sebuah sekolah agama terkemuka di negeri Perak.

Bukan sedikit ilmu agamanya.

Tetapi hari ini, anak Perak yang dahulunya dikenali sebagai Badrul Hisyam, telah murtad dan menjadi pendakyah Kristian.

Apabila saya mendengar ceramah-ceramah yang beliau sampaikan di gereja dan di khalayak Kristian, saya mengesan sesuatu yang amat konsisten di dalam ceramah beliau. Ceramahnya tidak ilmiah dan tidak membantu Kristian memahami Bible. Sebaliknya, hampir keseluruhan ceramah beliau berbahasa skeptik dan sentiasa sinis serta menyindir serba serbi yang berkaitan dengan Islam dan Muslim. Malah ibu bapanya sendiri turut disindir dan diejek.

Tatkala bertanyakan kepada pelajar-pelajar sekolah beliau yang mengenalinya, anak muda ini yang berpewatakan lembut di sekolah sering diejek, dikutuk atau dalam bahasa rasminya dibuli, di sepanjang pengalamannya di sekolah. Pengalaman seperti ini sangat berpotensi untuk membentuk satu pola pemikiran memberontak yang luar biasa.

Akhirnya Badrul Hisyam dengan sinis dan skeptik beliau terhadap semua yang dialaminya tentang Islam dan Muslim, beliau murtad. Sesuatu yang mungkin tidak disangka oleh senior yang pernah membulinya!

Semasa mendengar ceramah beliau, saya terfikir, adakah Benjamin Stephen ini mengkritik Islam, atau mengkritik Sekolah Menengah Agamanya?
Jika kita tidak berpuas hati dengan mesej-mesej Benjamin Stephen, mari berjiwa besar untuk berani menyoal diri. Adakah Religious Skepticism yang luar biasa itu ditujukan segala-galanya ke atas beliau, atau ada sesuatu yang mendominasi kecenderungan masyarakat kita hingga menggalakkan pemikiran seperti itu? Sebahagian jari yang menunding, mungkin perlu balik kepada diri.

Tidak dilupakan, tatkala saya membaca buku mutakhir Kassim Ahmad bertajuk MENCARI JALAN PULANG, saya melihat adanya unsur yang sama di sebalik pemikiran beliau. Sama ada ia berkaitan dengan Parti Sosialis pimpinannya, atau pun pemikiran yang dilabel sebagai anti Hadith.

Kassim Ahmad tidak sama sekali menafikan kenabian Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam.

Tetapi beliau mengkritik sistem ilmu Hadith khususnya berkaitan dengan kredibiliti perawinya.

Di manakah kritikan itu bermula?

Berasal daripada kekecewaan Kassim Ahmad terhadap pemikiran dan sikap orang-orang agama yang ditemui di usia mudanya, ia berkembang kepada mempertikaikan institusi Ulama' dan seterusnya hingga kepada pada perawi yang kesahihan Hadith banyak bergantung kepada kredibiliti perawi-perawi ini.


Religious Skepticism yang ringan-ringan boleh berkembang menjadi satu pola pemikiran yang amat rumit dan membingungkan.

Jika kita tidak berpuas hati dengan mesej-mesej Kassim Ahmad, mari berjiwa besar untuk berani menyoal diri. Adakah Religious Skepticism itu bulat-bulat ditujukan ke atas beliau, atau ada sesuatu yang mendominasi kecenderungan masyarakat kita hingga menggalakkan pemikiran seperti itu? Sebahagian jari yang menunding, mungkin perlu balik kepada diri.


Tidak dinafikan, manusia akan membentuk set of values mereka hasil pengalaman hidup dan pendedahan yang dialami. Kesan daripada pelbagai kejadian yang ditempuh oleh setiap kita dalam kehidupan, banyak mempengaruhi pertimbangan kita dalam menilai apa yang baik dan apa yang buruk.

Oleh kerana itu, Islam datang untuk meluruskan nilai ini agar manusia tidak terhoyong hayang di sepanjang tempat dan zaman dalam menentukan apa yang baik serta apa yang buruk tentang hidup ini semata-mata berbekalkan pengalaman diri. Jalan yang lurus (Sirat Mustaqim), diungkapkan berkali-kali dalam sehari semasa kita bersolat kerana jalan yang lurus itulah penentu kepada kedudukan masing-masing. Sejauh mana kita selari dengannya, atau sudah sejauh manakah kita terpesong dari landasan asal.

Namun, manusia akan mengalami krisis terhadap agama apabila mereka berdepan dengan suasana realiti yang terlalu jauh daripada apa yang dilakarkan oleh idea dan nas. Penghormatan adalah sesuatu yang terhasil daripada kualiti. Tatkala pendukung agama yang mewakili suara agama mengalami kemerosotan kualiti, rasa hormat itu mula terhakis. Tatkala hakisan itu berlaku, agamawan dan institusi agama terus kekal dengan grandiose attitude yang menambahkan rasa meluat serta benci kelompok yang tidak gentar dengan mereka.

Sebagaimana gereja hilang tempat daripada masyarakat akibat grandiose attitude itu, ia juga sedikit demi sedikit menimpa umat Islam. Rasa jelek dan meluat sekelompok masyarakat melihat sesetengah agamawan yang sombong dalam mempertahankan hujah-hujah 'tidak masuk akal' mereka, menambahkan kerumitan kepada berleluasanya pemikiran skeptik terhadap agama ini.

Misalnya, temuramah Gala TV di Astro 110 bersama Yasmin Ahmad, mendatangkan contoh yang boleh diberi perhatian.

Ketika filem Gubra dikritik kerana adegan bilal masjid menyentuh anjing, Yasmin Ahmad menegaskan bahawa sesuatu yang amat menghairankan apabila orang-orang agama ini yang kelihatannya berpelajaran tinggi di satu sudut, hakikatnya mereka tidak arif tentang ilmu Biologi (yang sepatutnya dikuasai oleh umat Islam atas galakan agama kita sendiri, kata beliau).

"Anjing itu kalau najis pun, menyentuhnya tidak haram!" kata Yasmin.

"Orang agama tidak faham Biologi. Jika mereka faham Biologi, mereka akan tahu bahawa anjing merembeskan peluhnya melalui lidah dan hidung…" tegas beliau lagi.

Saya tidak dapat mengesan apakah yang cuba dimaksudkan oleh Yasmin dengan kenyataan itu.

Tetapi beliau mungkin terkesan dengan hukuman-hukuman yang dikenakan ke atas dirinya oleh ustaz-ustaz atau tokoh agama yang 'tidak faham Biologi'. Sifat menghukum, dan kejahilan terhadap ilmu sokongan seperti Biologi, menjadikan manusia semakin skeptik terhadap agama. Suatu kemalangan.

Namun, andaikata Yasmin Ahmad mengkaji lagi, beliau mungkin akan memperbaiki pandangannya tentang hal ini. Soal anjing merembeskan peluh daripada lidah itulah sebenarnya asas hukuman samak jilatan anjing yang terdapat di dalam Mazhab Syafie. Oleh kerana anjing sentiasa merembeskan peluh dari lidah, maka kebarangkalian najis untuk berada di lidahnya amat kecil. Justeru, jika lidah yang 'bersih' itu pun bekas jilatannya perlu disamak, maka lebih utamalah untuk sentuhan bahagian-bahagian lain pada seekor anjing disamak. Malah, anjing yang tidak disebut sebagai najis di dalam al-Quran itu pun, persentuhannya perlu disamak, maka babi yang diisytiharkan najis oleh al-Quran itu, lebih utamalah untuk ia disamak.

Dalam kes ini, Religious Skepticism mungkin terhasil daripada kombinasi agamawan yang tidak faham Biologi dan pengarah filem yang tidak habis mengkaji agama.

Pandangan skeptik terhadap agama banyak didorong oleh kegagalan agamawan mempertahankan hujah agama dalam bentuk yang seiring dengan pemikiran massa yang berubah dari satu ketika ke satu ketika. Hujah yang tidak berhasil menimbulkan keyakinan, atau menolak terus proses hujah menghujah dan menggunakan kuasa untuk menundukkan soalan atau kritikan (budaya membunuh soalan), menyuburkan lagi pemikiran skeptik orang ramai terhadap agama. Gereja sudah berpengalaman dalam krisis ini, mudah-mudahan kita Umat Islam mempelajari sesuatu mengenainya.

Apatah lagi, ada agamawan terbabit dalam salah laku yang bertentangan dengan imej yang sepatutnya dipertahankan.

Perbuatan mendera isteri oleh ustaz atau oleh bukan ustaz tetapi atas nama agama, memutarbelikan hujah untuk memenangkan diri (misalnya berkata, Allah melaknat isteri yang menolak kehendak suami, tetapi tiada hadith yang menyebut Allah melaknat suami yang menolak kehendak isteri!), pecah amanah, pengotor pada pakaian dan penampilan diri, menerukkan lagi penyebaran gejala Religious Skepticism ini.

Dalam masa yang sama, pendekatan menghukum dan menghukum terus menerus digunakan semasa kredibiliti agamawan atau institusi agamawan berada di dalam krisis.

Sesungguhnya gejala ini boleh diperbaiki jika pendakwah dan agamawan mampu untuk mengusahakan beberapa perubahan. Sikap menyindir, menghukum, menyerang, tanpa kesimbangan dialog, diskusi dan lain-lain bentuk engagement, tidak banyak membantu.


Jika perubahan itu mesti bermula daripada diri, maka usahakanlah perubahan pada diri kita, selaku pendakwah untuk lebih bertenang dan teliti dalam menghalusi dakyah-dakyah pemikiran skeptik terhadap agama ini. Andai mereka tidak mahu berubah, lancang mengkritik tetapi kurang mahu mengkaji dan mendalami secara adil, itu terserah kepada mereka. Religious Skepticism ialah penyakit. Lalu penganutnya harus dilihat sebagai orang sakit.

Bagi pendakwah yang yakin akan kesihatan pemikiran dan kepercayaannya, merekalah yang selayaknya untuk mengusahakan perubahan. Kita ubah cara kita memberikan penyelesaian, cara kita menguruskan cabaran, kerana kita mampu berbuat demikian. Jangan terlalu gelojoh menyerang, menentang, menghukum, ketika kita sendiri bukanlah saingan yang dihormati lawan (jika boleh disebut demikian).

Pendakwah yang hebat mampu mengakui kelemahan dan memperbaikinya. Andai golongan yang skeptik terhadap agama mahu terus ego dalam mempertahankan pandangan mereka, itu urusan mereka. Namun Islam yang dijulang pendakwah, menjadikan kita bersedia untuk mengambil sebahagian tanggungjawab memperbaiki keadaan. Memperbaiki cara kita berdakwah, mempunyai banyak faedah yang boleh meredakan penyakit minda ini.


Berbalik kepada persoalan Habib Bourguiba, harus kita perhatikan sedikit.

Memang al-Quran berkata sebaliknya, Sunnah juga menegaskan sebaliknya. Malah Sejarah juga membuktikan sebaliknya. Namun Habib Bourguiba mungkin tidak memandang itu semua. Apa yang dijadikan asas pandangannya ialah pada apa yang ada di depan mata.

Benarkah umat Islam lebih produktif di bulan Ramadhan?

Tinggalkan Tunisia dan mari lihat keadaan kita di Malaysia .

Pada bulan Ramadhan, kita tidak boleh bermesyuarat dengan baik. Semua orang kebingungan dan lesu tanpa mampu memberikan idea yang bernas. Jika ada projek besar yang mahu dibuat, semua meminta agar ia dibincangkan selepas Raya! Malah jika di bulan-bulan lain kita habis kerja jam 5 petang, di bulan Ramadhan kita tinggalkan pejabat jam 4 petang. Semuanya gara-gara Bazar Ramadhan!

Maka, tidakkah itu semua bukti bahawa kita tidak produktif di bulan Ramadhan?

Silapnya pada Habib Bourghuiba ialah kerana beliau menyalahkan puasa sebagai puncanya, dan bukan manusia.


Jika anda ternampak sebuah kereta Mercedez 'mata belalang' tersadai di tepi jalan kerana terlanggar tiang lampu, apakah anda akan menyalahkan Mercedez?

"Bodoh betullah syarikat Mercedez ini. Bagaimana mereka boleh buat kereta yang langgar tiang lampu!" kritik seorang yang bermazhab Habib Bourguiba.

Tiada siapa yang akan menyalahkan Mercedez.

Semua orang akan menyalahkan pemandu Mercedez itu.

"Macam manalah dia memandu. Sudah diberi Mercedez pun, masih terbabas melanggar tiang lampu!" kata-kata yang lebih lurus dengan kebenaran.

Silapnya Habib Bourguiba ialah, dia itu menyalahkan puasa dan Ramadhan sebagai punca rakyatnya tidak produktif. Suatu peringkat Religious Skepticism yang kritikal.
Justeru, jika kita tidak bersetuju dengan polisi Habib Bourguiba, maka buktikanlah dengan perbuatan. Buktikan Ramadhan ini, anda produktif, dinamik, aktif bekerja, dan tidak terjejas untuk buat apa sahaja, termasuk mungkin turun berkempen di Permatang Pasir!

Tetapi, jika kita bermati-matian memaki hamun Habib Bourguiba kerana tidak bersetuju dengannya, tetapi kita tidak bermaya, tidak produktif atau gagal untuk kekal normal di bulan Ramadhan, maka segala ayat al-Quran dan al-Hadith yang digunakan, serta fakta Sejarah yang dibentang, menjadi retorik serta menyuburkan lagi Religious Skepticism!

Anda mampu mengubahnya!

68000 AMPANG

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Salam Ramadhan 2009

Mata kadang salah melihat....
Mulut kadang salah berucap....
Hati kadang salah menduga.....
Maafkan segala kekhilafan yang pasti ada....


Marhaban ya Ramadhan,
Bulan dimana nafas kita menjadi tasbih, tidur kita menjadi ibadah, amal kita diterima dan do'a kita di ijabah,

Sungguh cantik kain plekat, dipakai orang pergi ke pekan.
Puasa Ramadhan semakin dekat, silap dan salah mohon dimaafkan

Berharap padi dalam lesung, yang ada cuma rumpun jerami,
harapan hati bertatap langsung, cuma terlayang e-mail ini.

Sebelum cahaya surga padam, Sebelum hidup berakhir,
Sebelum pintu tobat tertutup, Sebelum Ramadhan datang,
saya mohon maaf lahir dan bathin....

Taqqobalahu Minna Waminkum, Taqoballahu Ya Karim,

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

Allaahumma baariklanaa fi Sya'ban wa ballighnaa Ramadhan

" Do'a Malaikat Zibril Menjelang Ramadhan "
"Ya Allah tolong abaikan puasa ummat Muhammad, apabila sebelum memasuki bulan Ramadhan dia tidak melakukan hal-hal yang berikut:

· Tidak memohon maaf terlebih dahulu kepada kedua orang tuanya (jika masih ada);
* Tidak berma'afan terlebih dahulu antara suami istri;
* Tidak berma'afan terlebih dahulu dengan orang-orang sekitarnya.
Maka Rasulullah pun mengatakan Amiin sebanyak 3 kali. Dapat kita bayangkan, yang berdo'a adalah Malaikat dan yang meng-amiinkan adalah Rasullullah dan para sahabat, dan dilakukan pada hari Jum'at.

Seribu senyuman
belum tentu
menawan hati

satu jelingan sudah cukup
menimbulkan rasa
mengambil masa
sekelip masa

Selamat Menyambut


Maaf Zahir dan Batin

Semoga Ramadhan membawa keberkatan kepada semua dan mengukuhkan ukhwah yang terbina

Saya menyusun sepuluh jari memohon maaf atas keterlanjuran kata dan perbuatan, yang menyinggung perasaan saudara saudari dan atas segala kesilapan yang telah berlaku disepanjang perjalanan hidup kita selama ini.

Sekian, terima kasih, wassalam



Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A(H1N1) Flu - Updates on 10 FAQs

A(H1N1) Flu: Updates on 10 FAQs - Dr David KL Quek, President the Malaysian Medical Association – August 6, 2009

1. Can we distinguish between regular and H1N1 flu, without a lab test?
2. How should doctors decide if a person be given further specific treatment for H1N1?
3. Many anxious people with flu-like symptoms want to be tested or treated for suspected H1N1, but are kept waiting or sent home, without being tested. Is this practice right?
4. Are doctors confused as to what to do in this outbreak, especially when they do not have ready access to confirmatory lab tests?
5. Are there sufficient guidelines from the Ministry of Health to address this situation?
6. Is limiting H1N1 testing only to those who have been admitted to hospital justifiable?
7. Are we short of anti-viral drugs (Tamiflu, Relenza)? Should I take Tamiflu?
8. What are some of the problems faced by doctors in dealing with the H1N1 problem?
9. Are we doing everything that should or needs to be done?
10. Is the public in general doing enough to help in controlling the outbreak?

1) Can we distinguish between regular and H1N1 flu, without a lab test?
No, the flu is the flu, but there are variations in presentation. Some symptoms such as cough, runny nose, fever, body aches, fatigue, vomiting, diarrhoea occur more or less in every flu patient, but may present differently by different people. Some infected people have very mild symptoms, some in between, and a small minority, probably less than 10 per cent, has severe features including the dangerous pneumonia.

However, from sentinel testing and surveillance by the Ministry of Health the last few weeks have shown that almost 95 per cent of all flu-like illness are now caused by the H1N1 virus. Earlier some months ago, seasonal flu variants caused by the B and other A virus were the main causes, the bug causing most flu these few days is the A(H1N1). This appears to be the case also in neighbouring countries, meaning that the new virus is causing more havoc and symptomatic illness than previous types of flu (which are still in the community).

Because almost every flu-like illness (influenza-like illness or ILI ) is due to H1N1, the MOH is now recommending that no testing to confirm this H1N1 will now be offered.

Treat as if this is H1N1 for ILI - symptom relief for mild symptoms (paracetamol, hydration, cough medicines, etc) and self-quarantine, social distancing, be alert for complications.
Most (70 per cent) do not need any anti-viral medications such as Tamiflu or Relenza. Only severe cases need to be referred to hospital for further treatment.

2) How should doctors decide if a person be given further specific treatment for H1N1?
If after 2-3 days, fever and cough symptoms do not improve, a recheck with the doctor is recommended, especially if there are features of difficulty breathing, severe weakness and giddiness, or, if the following risk factors are present:

1. obesity (fatter patients seem to have poorer outcome and more complications); 4. pregnant women
2. those with underlying diabetes, heart disease 5. those with reduced immunity, cancer patients, etc
3. those with asthma, or chronic lung disease 6. those with obvious pneumonia features

3) Many anxious people with flu-like symptoms want to be tested or treated for suspected H1N1, but are kept waiting or sent home, without being tested.
Is this practice right?
There is no right or wrong practice as this outbreak is extensive and is stretching our resources to the limit. This is also the case not just here in Malaysia , but also elsewhere around the entire world! The recommendation is now not to spend too much time and effort trying to get tested at designated hospitals or clinics - there is probably no need to do so. I have been informed that as many as 1,000 patients queue anxiously at Sungai Buloh Hospital for testing, due to fear of the H1N1 flu.

So the message must be made clear: Most flu illness do not require confirmatory testing, and are mild and self-limiting. More than 90 per cent will get better on their own, with symptomatic treatment – just watch out for possible complications, and risk factors as mentioned above.

Our resources are limited especially for testing. This is not just for Malaysia , but globally as well. The global demand for test kits and reagents for the H1N1 (PCR) is overextended and are rationed due to this extreme demand. Some 200 million test kits have been deployed worldwide, but this supply is critically short because of excessive demand, so most countries have to ration testing to confirm only the worst cases, so as to monitor the pandemic better.

4) Are doctors confused as to what to do in this outbreak, especially when they do not have ready access to confirmatory lab tests?
Not really. Earlier on there was some confusion as to what to do next and who to test or who to refer for further testing and admission. Now the rules are clearer.

There is no need to do any testing to confirm the H1N1 virus for any ILI - just assume that this is the case in the majority of cases.
Treat symptomatically when symptoms are mild, reassure the patients and ensure that these infected patients practice good personal hygiene, impose self-quarantine and social distancing, wear masks if their coughing or sneezing become troublesome, and keep a watchful eye on whether the infection is getting better or worse.

If there is difficulty breathing and gross weakness, then patients should quickly present themselves for admission.
Understandably this phase of worsening is not always clear or easily understood by everyone... But there is not much more that we can do - otherwise we will be admitting too many patients and this will totally overwhelm our health services.

But prudent caution would help to determine which seriously ill patients need more attention and more intensive care. Unfortunately however, there will be that odd patient who will progress unusually quickly and collapse even before anything can be planned – hopefully these will be few and far between.

A more important note is that all doctors and nursing personnel should be very aware that they too have to take precautions, and employ barrier contact practices, if there are patients with cough and cold during this period of H1N1 outbreak, which is expected to last a year or two. Carelessness can result in the physician or nurse or nurse-aide becoming infected!

5) Are there sufficient guidelines from the Ministry of Health to address this situation?
I think there are sufficient guidelines from the MOH. Although some politicians have blamed the MOH and the minister for being inept at handling this pandemic - in truth this is not the case. It is useful to remember that this is an entirely new or novel virus, which no one previously had encountered before - thus its infectivity and contagiousness is quite high and almost no one is immune to this virus.

Perhaps, there will come a time when all the resources from both public and private sectors can be put to more efficient use. Some logistic problems will invariably occur, because human beings differ in their capacity to understand or follow directives, whatever the source or authority. Also patient demands have been extraordinarily high and at times very difficult to meet - every patient necessarily feels that his flu is potentially the worst possible type and therefore requires the most stringent measures and testing...

Doctors are also unsure as to the seriousness or severity of this new ailment - and we are only now beginning to understand this better – so our less than reassuring style when encountering this new H1N1 flu is sometimes detected by an equally anxious patient and/or their relatives. But there is only so much that we can do under such a pressure cooker of an outbreak which is spreading like wildfire! But nevertheless we should not panic, and remember that most (more than 90 per cent) of infected people will recover with very little after-effects. Possibly only one in 10 patients develop more serious problems which necessitate hospitalisation.

6) Is limiting H1N1 testing only to those who have been admitted to hospital justifiable?
I have explained the worldwide shortage of such testing kits and reagents. Also it is near impossible to test everyone, the world over. Besides, knowing now that almost all the flu-like illness in the country is due to H1N1 makes it a moot point to want to test for this, especially when most are mild.

The rationale for testing only those who need hospitalisation is to ensure that we are dealing with the true virus, and also help to isolate possible changes or mutations to this viral strain. The MOH is also constantly doing sentinel surveillance (random spot-testing at various sites around the country to determine more accurately the various virus types and spread that are causing ILI ).

7) Are we short of anti-viral drugs (Tamiflu, Relenza)? Should I take Tamiflu?
These antiviral drugs were available to most doctors during the earlier scare of the bird flu virus, but now are severely restricted, although some orders are still entertained from individual doctors, clinics or hospitals. Remember that these have been block-booked by more than 167 countries which have been shown to have been penetrated by the H1N1 flu bug.

Our MOH has actually stockpiled some two million doses of the Tamiflu or its generic form. In the last inter-ministerial pandemic influenza task force meeting, this stockpile will be bumped up to 5.5 million doses to cover some possible 20 per cent of the population.

Right now there is no shortage in the country. It is just that it is not readily available on demand for anyone just yet. The MOH is still of the opinion that this antiviral drug be used prudently and would like to register every patient given this drug.

The private sector on the other hand would like to have a looser control over the use of this drug - but we acknowledge that we should be meticulously prudent in its use. There is a genuine fear that resistant strains to this drug may develop with indiscriminate and unnecessary use - then we will all be in trouble with a drug-resistant H1N1 virus run amok! Drug-resistant strains have been detected in Mexico , border-towns in the US , Vietnam , Britain , Australia even. So we have to be vigilant and closely monitor the situation. Right now, the very limited usage of Tamiflu gives us good reason to be optimistic. However, because of some unusual patterns of seemingly well people dying or having very critical infections, some people and doctors are wondering if these new strains have already reached our shores... or have we been too late in instituting proper treatment...?

The rising number of deaths to 14 now is quite worrisome, but our health authorities are watching this development very closely and are also checking the virus strain to see if this has mutated. We can only hope that this is not the case, for now.

8) What are some of the problems faced by doctors in dealing with the H1N1 problem?
It would be good if every medical practitioner keeps a close tab on the H1N1 pandemic, and remain fully aware of the developments and changes, which are evolving daily. Every doctor has to be learning on the trot, so to speak, to keep up with the progress of this outbreak and its management, so that we can serve our patients better.

Logging in to the Internet regularly for more updated information will certainly help, instead of lamenting that not enough is being disseminated via the media thus far... Every doctor has to be more proactive and practice more responsible and cautious medicine during this trying period which is expected to run into at least one to two years. Importantly, look out for lung complications, and the above stated higher risk profiles, and refer these patients quickly for further care.

Easier access to antiviral drugs and their responsible use and monitoring would help allay public fears of delay in treatment, but this should be tempered with care and not over-exuberance to dish out to one and all, the precious antiviral drug, just for prevention - this may be a very bad move which can inadvertently create a worse outcome of drug-resistant bugs. However, in the light of the very quick deterioration of some young patients who have died, it might be prudent to use antiviral treatment earlier and more aggressively.

We look forward to the specific H1N1 vaccine, when it does come our way, probably towards the end of the year. In the meantime, encouraging those in the front-line, heart or lung patients and frequent travellers to have the seasonal flu vaccination is a useful adjunct to help stem the usual problems from other flu types.

9) Are we doing everything that should or needs to be done?
Yes, if you check what other nations are doing, we are doing relatively well. We are not overstating the dangers and we have been quite transparent on the possibilities of this pandemic. Earlier, many agencies and even the public and doctors have accused us of exaggerating the pandemic, and our response was dismissed as being too much, even over the top! Unfortunately, it was only when some deaths occur that many are now decrying that we have done too little!

Also if you are quite honest about it, just compare with the countries globally, and you will notice that no one health or government authority has got this right, spot on. We are all learning about this novel flu pandemic, and each country's response is coloured by its past experiences. In Hong Kong , China , Vietnam , Singapore and Malaysia we have had the SARS outbreak, so we are necessarily more paranoid! Also here the experience is that flu does not usually cause death in our community, unlike the west where seasonal flu kills some hundreds of thousands every year!

So the fear factor for this H1N1 flu is not nearly as great in the West, although it is slowly sinking in that its contagiousness and infectivity is far greater, and fears of its reassortment to a more viralent mutant form are growing, into the so-called second and/or third wave of this pandemic, but we will not know until a year or so down the line.

10) Is the public in general doing enough to help in controlling the outbreak?
I think the public is now reasonably well-informed as to this H1N1 pandemic. Perhaps, they are too well-informed, that they have a fearful approach to this virus. But the proper thing is not too over-react and to panic, although I know this does sound easier said than done.

It is almost a certainty that this flu will spread within the community - in schools, universities, academies, factories, work places, offices, etc. WHO has projected that possibly some 20-30 per cent of the population worldwide will become infected by this novel flu bug, after studying various models of spread of past infections - the huge and very rapid spread worldwide is mainly due to air travel.
While older flu pandemics took six months to extend to so many countries, this H1N1 flu did so in less than six weeks!

In the worst-case scenarios of course, this outbreak will be alarming - hospitalisations may be required for 100,000 up to 500,000 Malaysians, with perhaps as many as 5,000 to 27,000 infected patients (depending on the case fatality rate or either 0.1 to 0.5 per cent) succumbing to this illness.

But because we have been monitoring closely and containing the outbreak thus far, with heightened awareness and greater social responsibility, it is possible to ameliorate the infectivity, spread and fatality that will unfortunately accompany this pandemic... Just how successful we will be in limiting these adverse outcomes remains to be seen, but we can be hopeful.

How can the public help? First learn and acquire good personal hygiene. If sick, please be responsible and stay at home, even in your own room where possible, wear a face mask (a cheap three-ply surgical mask will do, because large droplet spread is the main danger). Do not go out, practice what is now known as social distancing (about three metres from anyone), and be socially responsible, don't go to public places and infect others - for young people this would be hard, but absolutely necessary - the spread is most rampant in this age group between 16 and 25 years.

When the illness does not go away after a few days or when you are deteriorating, get to the nearest hospital. Most importantly, be very aware and responsible!

Finally, keep abreast of all new developments, because these are evolving all the time. With keen awareness, prudent care, early detection and social responsibility, correct and prompt use of antiviral and other support medical care, and later mass specific vaccination, we can overcome this novel H1N1 flu! But it will take time, patience, public cooperation, much concerted effort and consume great resources.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Swallowed by the earth

Cerita berantai ... awas mangsanye

Boss berkata kepada Secretary : Kita akan outstation selama seminggu, jadi aturkan segalanya.

Secretary menelefon Suaminya : Untuk seminggu boss saya dan saya akan outstation, awak pandai2 jaga diri nanti...

Suami menelefon Buah Hatinya : Isteri saya akan outstation selama seminggu, jadi mari kita habiskan masa bersama-sama. ...

Buah Hati menelefon Murid tuisyennya : Saya kene bekerja selama seminggu, jadi awak tak perlu datang untuk tuisyen...

Murid tuisyen tersebut menelefon Atuknya : Atuk, untuk seminggu saya takde kelas sebab cikgu saya sibuk. Mari kita habiskan masa bersama...

Atuk (the 1st boss) menelefon Secretary : Minggu ni saya nak abiskan masa bersama cucu saya.. Batalkan outstation tuh...

Secretary menelefon Suaminya : Minggu ni boss saya ade kerja, kami dah membatalkan outstation tu...

Suami menelefon Buah Hatinya : Kita tak dapat nak habiskan masa bersama untuk minggu ni, isteri saya dah membatalkan outstationnya. .

Buah Hati menelefon Murid Tuisyennya : Minggu ni kelas tuisyen mcm biase.

Murid Tuisyen menelefon Atuknya : Atuk, cikgu saya cakap minggu ni saya kene pergi kelas tuisyen. Sori, saya tak bleh temankan atuk.

Atuk menelefon Secretary : Jangan risau, minggu ni kita outstation. Jadi uruskan semuanya..

Wakakaka... .penat aku nak tulih lagi nie

Roads in Africa