Here's to another year that changed us. here's to another year that stresses us out left, right and center. here's to another year that helped us grow, let us fall and let us stand back up again. here's to another full year of struggles, full of pain, full of growth. here's to another year you thought you couldn't pull through, but look at you, all fit and fine. healthy and wise. smarter and mature. here's to another year that threw the toughest and strongest of stones at us, but here we are getting through them. here's to 2019 that is coming to an end. and here's to us, us who made it till the end when we thought we couldn't. here's to us, who thought we fell off the edge and couldn't make it up again. here's to us, who pulled through and will always, pull through.
-s.m. / here's to 2019. here's to us making it till the end.