Saturday, March 31, 2012

Awasi anak anda ketika membeli-belah

Dari Tiara Jacquelina.
Jika anda tiada anak kecil pun, tolong sebarkan maklumat ini kepada sesiapa sahaja. Kita tidak tahu entah siapa yang dapat diselamatkan dengan berkongsi maklumat ini. Tolong beri sedikit masa dan hantar kepada kawan yang ada anak-anak dan cucu-cucu.

Mahu berkongsi apa yang berlaku hari ini semasa berbelanja di Carrefour JB. Seorang ibu sedang membongkok untuk membelek-belek daging , dan apabila berpusing mendapati anak perempuannya berusia 4 tahun telah hilang. Saya berdiri betul-betul bersebelahan dengan si ibu , sementara si ibu tadi terus memanggil-manggil anak perempuannya tapi hampa.

Saya meminta seorang pekerja lelaki Carrefour untuk umumkan kehilangan tersebut melalui sistem pembesar suara. Beliau terus melakukannya apabila diminta berbuat demikian , dan kemudian terus meninggalkan saya untuk membuat panggilan telefon. Panggilan itu untuk memaklumkan supaya semua pintu dan pagar dikunci menggunakan kata kod atau seumpamanya. Jadi mereka telah mengunci semua pintu dengan serta-merta. Hanya 3 minit diperlukan untuk melakukannya selepas diminta.

Mereka menjumpai kanak-kanak perempuan itu 5 minit kemudian di dalam bilik air dalam keadaan masih khayal. Kepala budak perempuan itu sudah separuh dicukur, dan hanya berpakaian dalam. Ada sebuah beg mengandungi baju, pisau cukur, dan rambut palsu terletak di lantai bersebelahannya untuk menukar wajahnya.

Siapa pun yang melakukannya - iaitu mengambil lalu membawa budak perempuan ini ke dalam bilik air , cukur rambut dan tukar pakaiannya - melakukannya kurang daripada 10 minit ! Ini buatkan saya menggigil tak sudah-sudah.

Tolong perhatikan anak-anak anda apabila berada di tempat luas di mana adalah senang untuk kita terpisah dengan me reka seperti di gedung beli-belah. Hanya beberapa minit diperlukan untuk melakukan semuanya. 5 minit lagi maka anak perempuan itu tentu sudah berjaya dibawa keluar!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wise words

Boss vs. Leader

Thursday, March 8, 2012

"Butterflies" (Siegfried Sassoon, 1920 )

By Siegfried Sassoon, 1920

Frail Travellers, deftly flickering over the flowers;
O living flowers against the heedless blue
Of summer days, what sends them dancing through
This fiery-blossom'd revel of the hours?

Theirs are the musing silences between
The enraptured crying of shrill birds that make
Heaven in the wood while summer dawns awake;
And theirs the faintest winds that hush the green.

And they are as my soul that wings its way
Out of the starlit dimness into morn:
And they are as my tremulous being--born
o know but this, the phantom glare of day.

Ramblings: Interesting origins of the words Mat Salleh, ronggeng and satay

Sunday Focus
By S.H. Tan | 16 July 2000

JAMES Bush, a friend, is proud to be called Teh. Some Malaysians spell it Tay. But, no matter how you spell it, in Hokkien it means tea.

Has James, or Jim as I call him, pulled a reverse take-over? A Mat Salleh (nickname for an Englishman or European) who believes that an Asian name is an asset? Any why not?

After all, if Ah Kow thinks that it would be to his advantage to be called Sylvester, why shouldn't Jim be called Teh, although, in his case, Belukar (Bush) would have been more appropriate.

"No," he says to that reverse take-over snipe. "It all started when I became friendly with my neighbour's daughter, aged four. She could not be bothered to be long-winded and call me Orang Putih (white man). So she shortened it to Teh. And Teh I am to all in the neighbourhood. "I like it. And especially when someone waxes lyrical and calls me. Teh-o (tea black or tea without cream or milk).

It may not have style, quality, excellence. But it is short and sweet. It beats being called Mat (short for Mat Salleh).

"Incidentally, do you know the origin of Mat Salleh?"

I do, Jim. As we all know, the Malays are fond of nicknames. They love to refer to a European, especially an Englishman, as Mat Kambing (Mat the goat. Goats are well-known for being averse to water. Or Mat who does not bathe - especially in winter), Mat Gila (who is bonkers), Mat Gendut (pot-bellied), or Mat Tajam (who has a sharp chopper).

But in this case, the tajam is not the chopper but the tongue. History has shown us that the Malays had been misled. The tongues of the Mat Sallehs were not tajam but licin (smooth) - they talked quite a few Sultans out off their inheritances.

Be that as it may, as these nicknames could cause offence, Mat Salleh became the most common and it was often heard when we were under British colonial rule.

As there were many grades of officers in the British Armed forces, the batter cultured (usually the senior officers) were Mat Sallehs and the others (other ranks and those not highly thought of) were Mat Samans.

Mat is the common denominator because if we were to address a Malay who is stranger and who is in our age group Mat, it is neither rude nor being supercilious. It is the same as Guv or Guvnor if he is a European, and especially English.

And so, meet a European (and this includes all Caucasians) and call or refer to him as Mat Salleh and it is being kind to him.

Mat Salleh, however, as with every nickname, should not be used in polite conversation. Now that there is less acrimony against the European, and especially the English, the Mat Samans have as good as disappeared from Malaysia.

Yet another version has it that the first Europeans to set foot on our soil were seamen. They could have been Portuguese, Dutch, or English.

The Spaniards gave us a wide berth as they found the Philippine Islands a more attractive proposition.

When the English finally landed in large numbers, first in Penang, and then Malacca and Singapore, they did not think much of the remnants of the Portuguese and Dutch settlers. So they dismissed them as "mad sailors".

In those kampungs, "mad sailor" was not only a foreign language, it was also not easy to remember and roll off the tongue. So "mad sailor" became Mat Salleh.

The Mat Sallehs, unwittingly, spawned ronggeng, another common word among the Malays. It means dance. But what is its origin?

When the Portuguese, and then the Dutch, were booted out of Malacca by the English, there was a victory celebration. After drinking, there was singing and dancing.

Some Malays approached one of the revellers and asked him what they were doing. The Malays said they had heard of the may pole dance and even the hula-hula. But the frenzy and leaping about like demented maniacs?

After one tot of rum too many, the Mat Salleh thought that the Malays were asking him if they could join in the fun. He was in no mood to harangue. Instead of saying "'re not one of us. You guys belong to the wrong gang" he hollered "Wrong gang. Wrong gang."

From that day, whenever the Malays taged a dance, they called it ronggeng.

Hard on the heels of the Mat Sallehs came the Chinese. One day, they were having a barbecue. The Malays were fascinated - the Chinese had slaughtered chickens, cut them up, skewered three pieces to a stick, and roasted them over a charcoal fire.

The Malays asked the Chinese what they were doing. Neither side was fluent in the language of the other. The Chinese thought that the Malays were asking how many pieces of chicken to a stick. So one of them said: "S'ngar teh (Hokkien for three pieces)."

When the Malays were invited to have a bite, and they found it delicious, they were hooked.
When they went home, and told their wives about it, the wives realised that they had to do something if they did not want their husbands to go meandering whenever the Chinese had a party.

So, the next day, they chopped up chickens, marinated the meat, skewered it on sticks, and roasted it. To be one up on the Chinese, they concocted a gravy to go with the chicken. Their coup degrace was to simplify s'ngar teh to satay.

Satay has since become synonymous with Malay cuisine and a national dish.

Tanda-Tanda Anda Menghadapi Stress

Anda Menghadapi Masalah STRESS?

Apakah Tanda-Tandanya..?

Pertama: Anda sentiasa menghadapi masalah untuk bangun tidur..

Kedua: Tengkuk anda sentiasa merasa sakit dan susah untuk memusingkan kepala..

Ketiga: Rambut anda sentiasa kusut masai setelah mandi dan menggunakan syampu terbaik..

Keempat: Kepala anda sentiasa merasa pening dan seperti berada di awang-awangan..

Kelima: Berat badan anda terus meningkat dengan mendadak walau pun telah berusaha keras untuk mengurangkan berat..

Keenam: Anda sentiasa merasa letih yang amat sangat dan sentiasa mengeliat..

Ketujuh: Anda sentiasa merasa fikiran anda terlalu sempit..

Kelapan: Anda sentiasa merasa diri anda terlalu kecil dan selalu dipermainkan..

Kesembilan: Boss sentiasa marah dengan anda..

Kesepuluh: Anda sentiasa basah kuyup ketika keluar makan tengahari walaupun berpayung..

Kesebelas: Anda sentiasa dan selalu merasa penat yang amat sangat..

Keduabelas: Anda sentiasa merasa kehadiran tetamu asing..

Ketigabelas: Anda sentiasa merasa seperti hendak demam dan selsema serta kepala merasa panas.....

Keempatbelas dan akhir:

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Mungkin ibu lebih kerap menelefon utk menanyakan keadaan kita setiap hari. Tapi tahukah kita, sebenarnya ayahlah yang mengingatkan ibu untuk menelefon kita?

Semasa kecil, ibu lah yg lebih sering mendukung kita..Tapi tahukah kita bahawa sebaik saja ayah pulang bekerja dengan wajah yang letih ayahlah selalu menanyakan apa yg kita lakukan seharian

Saat kita sakit@demam, ayah sering membentak "sudah diberitahu! jangan minum ais!" Tapi tahukah kamu bahawa ayah sangat risau.??

Ketika kita remaja, kita meminta izin untk keluar malam. Ayah dengan tegas berkata "tidak boleh!". Sedarkah kita bahawa ayah hanya ingin menjaga kita? Kerana bagi ayah, kita adalah sesuatu yang sangat berharga.

Saat kita sudah di percayai, ayah pun melonggarkan peraturannya. Maka kita telah melanggar kepercayaannya... Maka ayah lah yang setia menunggu kita di ruang tamu dengan rasa sangat risau..

Setelah kita dewasa, ayah telah menghantar kita ke sekolah@kolej untuk belajar..
Di saat kita memerlukan ini-itu, untuk keperluan kuliah kita, ayah hanya mengerutkan dahi. tanpa menolak, beliau memenuhinya. Saat kamu berjaya. Ayah adalah orang pertama yang berdiri dan bertepuk tangan untukmu..Ayah akan tersenyum dengan bangga..

Sampai ketika jodoh kita telah datang dan meminta izin untuk mengambil kita dari ayah..Ayah sangat berhati-hati mengizinkan nya. Dan akhirnya, saat ayah melihat kita duduk di atas plamin bersama pasangan nya, ayah pun tersenyum bahagia.

Apa kita tahu,bahawa ayah sempat pergi ke belakang dan menangis?

Ayah menangis kerana ayah sangat bahagia..Dan dia pun berdoa "Ya Tuhan, tugasku telah selesai dgn baik..Bahagiakan lah putra putri kecilku yg manis bersama pasangannya".

Setelah itu ayah hanya akan menunggu kedatangan kita bersama cucu-cucunya yg sesekali dtg untuk menjenguk. Dengan rambut yg memutih dan badan yang tak lagi kuat untuk menjaga kita.


