Monday, April 20, 2020

You deserve to be loved the way you love others

You deserve to be loved the way you love others. You deserve to sleep beside someone who does not try to quiet your heartbeat, or your passion, or the way you show up in this world. You deserve to be with the kind of person who makes you their favourite thing, the kind of person who loves all of your twists and does not try to untie them. you deserve to love someone who does not judge you for the ways in which you had to kill your sadness, someone who does not hold your past against you. You deserve to be chosen, and to never be loved in halves. You deserve someone who is sure of you, you deserve someone who stays.

However, you also deserve to be this person for yourself. For your capacity to be alone, your capacity to be your own home, your own foundation, is going to directly reflect the way you love these people when they come into your life. When you know yourself, when you stand up for your heart, you do not bankrupt who you are just to keep half loves in your life. Love becomes less about filling a void, love becomes less about possession, less about dependence, and it transforms into something that can be fully, and deeply appreciated and felt, because you are not afraid that its loss will destroy you. You are not afraid of being without it, because you will always have yourself. 

-Bianca Sparacino

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