Friday, June 28, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Lapan surah ini diamalkan dan dibaca untuk memusnahkan sel-sel barah kanser. Jika pesakit dapat membacanya lagi baik. Jika tak terdaya atau kurang baik bacaannya maka boleh minta suami, ayah, ibu atau orang lain membaca untuknya.
Seelok-eloknya sebelum memulakan bacaan surah dibawah :
1. Istighfar 10x.
2. Salawat Nabi 10x.
3. Al-Fatihah 1x.
Sediakan sebotol secukupnya air yang bersih lagi suci dan setiap kali habis surah dibaca, ditiupkan kepada air. Pesakit dinasihat minum air bacaan tiap-tiap hari dan sapu/mandi pada anggota yang kena barah kanser. InsyaAllah kerana sakit dan sembuh semua kekuasaanNya.
1. Surah Al Maidah (Ayat 82-91).
2. Surah Al Araf (Ayat 70-81).
3. Surah Ar Ra'd (Ayat 16-28).
4. Surah Al Anbiyaa' (Ayat 38-50).
5. Surah Asy Syu'ara (Ayat 185-227).
6. Surah Az Zummar (Ayat 42-52).
7. Surah Ghafir (Ayat 67-77).
8. Surah Az Zukhruf (Ayat 52-70).
Lapan surah ini diamalkan dan dibaca untuk memusnahkan sel-sel barah kanser. Jika pesakit dapat membacanya lagi baik. Jika tak terdaya atau kurang baik bacaannya maka boleh minta suami, ayah, ibu atau orang lain membaca untuknya.
Seelok-eloknya sebelum memulakan bacaan surah dibawah :
1. Istighfar 10x.
2. Salawat Nabi 10x.
3. Al-Fatihah 1x.
Sediakan sebotol secukupnya air yang bersih lagi suci dan setiap kali habis surah dibaca, ditiupkan kepada air. Pesakit dinasihat minum air bacaan tiap-tiap hari dan sapu/mandi pada anggota yang kena barah kanser. InsyaAllah kerana sakit dan sembuh semua kekuasaanNya.
1. Surah Al Maidah (Ayat 82-91).
2. Surah Al Araf (Ayat 70-81).
3. Surah Ar Ra'd (Ayat 16-28).
4. Surah Al Anbiyaa' (Ayat 38-50).
5. Surah Asy Syu'ara (Ayat 185-227).
6. Surah Az Zummar (Ayat 42-52).
7. Surah Ghafir (Ayat 67-77).
8. Surah Az Zukhruf (Ayat 52-70).
Friday, June 14, 2013
50 Sultry Facts About Sex
By Jeanna Bryner and Stephanie Pappas
LiveScience | Nov 2012
The Basics
get down to business about the facts of life: Sex is made for mixing
and mingling genes. These genes are carried by the male and female
gamete cells, the sperm and eggs. Most of the time, a woman releases one
egg per month, but men are much more prolific. In a single ejaculation,
a guy sends between 30 million and 750 million sperm swimming toward
that egg.
Piggie sperm
Human males have nothing on pigs, though. A single swine ejaculate contains about 8 billion sperm cells.
Sex on the brain
start to think about sex relatively early in our life spans. By age 19,
about 70 percent of American teenagers have had sex.
Sperm survival
Unintended pregnancies are all too common, but the stars do have to align
to get a single sperm to a ready egg. Women are fertile for about three
to six days each month, depending on their menstrual cycle. Sperm can
hang around in the reproductive tract for up to five days and survive,
but it's rare for them to remain viable for more than two days or so.
Fertility god
to keep these stars from aligning may be tough, though. With typical
use, fertility-awareness methods of birth control (when a couple avoids
sex during fertile days) result in 24 pregnancies for every 100 couples
who use these methods each year.
Body heat
heats up a woman's body by as much as half a degree Fahrenheit. Before
ovulation, most women run between 96 and 98 degrees F (35.5 to 36.6
degrees Celsius). Right after ovulation, body temperature goes up to
around 97 to 99 degrees F (36.1 to 37.2 degrees C). The most effective
fertility-awareness methods of birth control require daily
temperature-taking to detect ovulation.
Bestiality is risky
Bestiality is generally frowned upon. Here's one more reason to abstain: A 2011 study found that sex with animals,
such as chickens, pigs and horses, is linked to penile cancer, perhaps
because microtrauma to the penis during these acts lets foreign
microorganisms in. Some microorganisms, such as the human papilloma
virus (HPV), can cause cancer in humans.
Boob buttons
It's no accident that nipples are erogenous zones. Brain-imaging research on women has shown that sensory signals from the nipples end up in the same area of the brain that stimulation from the vagina, cervix and clitoris do.
Oh how exciting!
Humans sometimes go to strange lengths for sex. Take the alleged aphrodisiac
Spanish fly. It's a ground-up bug called a blister beetle that contains
the acid cantharidin. When taken and excreted, it causes a burning
sensation in the urethra that apparently passes for sexual excitement in
some circles. Oh, and the powder is toxic.41.
Sex 101
about sex makes you more likely to go out and do it, right? Nope.
According research published in 2012 by the nonprofit Guttmacher
Institute, any sex education at all delays teen sex.
The more the merrier?
sex and adolescents?! Yes, according a 2011 study, one in 13 teen
girls, ages 14 to 20, reported having a group-sex experience, with these
gals also being more likely to have been exposed to pornography and
childhood sexual abuse than their peers. The study results, detailed in
the Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of
Medicine, showed that 7.3 percent of the 328 teen girls surveyed said
they'd had group sex. More than half of that group reported being
pressured into the multiple-sex-partner situation; 45 percent indicated
no condom was used during their most recent group-sex encounter.
Sex sells
is increasingly in-your-face, according to an analysis of magazine
covers from 1983 to 2003. During that period, the number of sexy ads in
mainstream publications rose from 15 percent to 27 percent. Alcohol,
entertainment and beauty ads drove the sexiness trend.
Take it or leave it
we boring you? At least 12 percent of moms aren't always into sex,
according to a nationally representative survey that found 12 percent of
women admitted to using their cellphones
during the deed. (Twenty-one percent of the nationally representative
sample of more than 1,000 mothers also said they bring their smartphones
to the toilet.)
Body image matters
Ignore Hollywood: Sex is not just for the young and skinny. Unsurprisingly, loving your body has benefits in the sack.
A small study of obese women found that those who accepted their bodies
reported better sex, while those who hated their size said their sex
lives suffered.
First-time sex
and gals lose their virginity at about the same time, on average, with
the Kinsey Institute estimating the average age of first intercourse for
guys is 16.9 and gals 17.4.
Condoms 101
on a condom may not be as simple as it seems, really. A review of 50
relevant studies on condom use, published Feb. 17, 2012, in the journal
Sexual Health, found that condom-use errors are common.
For instance, the various studies showed between 17 and 51 percent of
those queried said they put on a condom partway through intercourse,
negating any disease-controlling benefits. And about 75 percent of men
and 82 percent of women failed to check condoms for damage before using
Pesky penis
At the very least, be glad you aren't a sea slug. These hermaphroditic creatures' sexual repertoire involves stabbing with a syringe-like penile appendage to inject prostate fluids into the body. Oh, and sea slug penises come complete with spines to anchor the organ during sex.
Safe and fun
be fooled, those safe-sex practitioners are still having some fun.
Responsible sex has gotten a bad rap, with one survey showing a quarter
of young men and women consider sex with a condom a "hassle." But
there's hope yet, as other research finds safe sex can be fun. A study
published in 2012 in the journal Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive
Health found that certain factors, such as a partner's comfort and oral
and genital stimulation, were linked with pleasurable safe-sex
oooohhh … ahhhhh
else makes sex fun? Talking about it. People who are more comfortable
with sexual communication are happier with their sex lives, according to
research published in September 2012.
You don't even have to use words: The happiest participants were those
who used nonverbal communication to tell their partners what they liked
in bed.
Safety first
of condoms, who's using them? Not college gals, as a 2012 study in the
Journal of Sex Research found women use condoms less and less frequently
over the course of their freshman year. And perhaps surprisingly, their
younger, and male, counterparts are more apt to practice safe sex; a
higher proportion than ever (80 percent) of teenage guys are using a condom
the first time they have sex, according to a Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) report that compared 2002 data with that
from 2006-2010.
Orgasms can happen ... anywhere
to more pleasurable thoughts. Women may not need a guy, a vibrator, or
any other direct sexual stimulation to have an orgasm, as exercise may
do the trick. A study involving women who had experienced exercise-induced orgasms
and a group who reported exercise-caused sexual pleasure found that 40
percent of these women had these experiences on more than 11 occasions
in their lives.
Even so, most of the women in the "orgasm" group said they felt some level of embarrassment when exercising in public places, the researchers say in a 2012 issue of the journal Sexual and Relationship Therapy.
Even so, most of the women in the "orgasm" group said they felt some level of embarrassment when exercising in public places, the researchers say in a 2012 issue of the journal Sexual and Relationship Therapy.
The elusive orgasm
some women can orgasm with a little physical activity, about one in
four women find reaching orgasm an elusive goal. Research detailed in
August 2010 in the Journal of the British Association of Urological
Surgeons found that for women ages 18 to 30 the No. 1 sex complaint is
trouble reaching orgasm, while older women mostly complain about lack of
sexual desire.
Science not helping
Unfortunately, science has not yet come to the rescue. A review of 101 studies on female orgasm disorder,
in which a woman has trouble climaxing or reaching orgasm at all,
showed treatments for the disorder are inadequate. In addition, the Food
and Drug Administration reported in 2010 the drug flibanserin (female Viagra) didn't increase a woman's sexual desire.
Think good thoughts
But perhaps women can take things into their own hands, or minds, as other research has found a lack of erotic thoughts,
and even negative thoughts, during sex are linked to the trouble some
women have reaching orgasm. These negative or distracting thoughts fell
into six categories: thoughts of sexual abuse, sexual failure, a
partner's lack of affection, sexual passivity and control, things that
had no erotic nature, and body shortcomings.
"There is no easy way to avoid negative or distractive thoughts," study researcher Marta Xavier Cuntim, a clinical psychologist in Portugal, told LiveScience at the time the study was published in 2011 in the journal Sexologies. "However, if we know that they exist, it is easier to learn to deal with them."
"There is no easy way to avoid negative or distractive thoughts," study researcher Marta Xavier Cuntim, a clinical psychologist in Portugal, told LiveScience at the time the study was published in 2011 in the journal Sexologies. "However, if we know that they exist, it is easier to learn to deal with them."
Interspecies fun
sex outside the species is generally frowned upon. But back when humans
had other hominin cousins to hang out with, things got cozy. Up until
about 47,000 years ago, modern humans and Neanderthals likely interbed. However, research suggests that these liasons only occasionally resulted in offspring.
Define: sex
a minute. What is sex, anyway? According to the famous Kinsey Reports,
opinions vary. In a 2010 study by the Kinsey Institute, 45 percent said
manual stimulation of the genitals is sex, 71 percent said oral sex is
sex and 80 percent said anal intercourse is sex.
Equal rights in bed
pays off between the sheets: Research published in October 2012 in the
journal Sex Roles found that young men who believe that men should take
charge in the bedroom were actually less likely to feel confident in sexual situations
compared with guys who were less concerned with gender roles. The
belief that men need to dominate may prevent them from communicating
about sex with their partners or asking questions about things they
don't know.
Gals enjoy larger penises
size matter? For some. A study published Sept. 24, 2012 in the Journal
of Sexual Medicine found that women who report having frequent orgasms
with vaginal stimulation are more likely to say they prefer sex with men with larger penises.
What's average?
what it's worth, the same study considered an "average" penis to be
about the length of a U.K. 20-pound note or a U.S. dollar bill, which
are 5.9 inches (14.9 centimeters) and 6.1 inches (15.5 cm) long,
respectively. Across multiple studies, average erect or
flaccid-but-stretched penis length ranged from 4.7 inches (12 cm) to 6.5
inches (16.7 cm).
Don't worry, guys
On the whole, however, women worry less about penis size than men, according to a 2007 review of research
published in the British Journal of Urology International. Personality
and grooming rank way higher on the list of concerns, the researchers
found. Eighty-five percent of women were happy with their partner's
penis size, compared with only 55 percent of men who were satisfied with
their own penis.
Lady parts
size gets less play than the male equivalent. According to a 2006 study
in the journal Human Reproduction, the average vagina is about 2.44
inches (6.2 cm) long, but vaginal length ranges wildly from 1.5 inches
(4 cm) to nearly 4 inches (9.5 cm). As any woman who has given birth can
attest, the vagina is very stretchy, and its length can change across a
woman's menstrual cycle as her cervix changes position.
Was that good for you?
and gentlemen, we seem to have a failure to communicate. Results from
the 2010 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior (NSSHB) revealed
that 85 percent of men said their partner orgasmed the last time they
had sex. Only 64 percent of women said the same. The gap between what
women and men reported is too large to be explained by some men having
had male partners.
Older women and the 'O'
there's good news for women, too. The same NSSHB report found that for
women and men ages 18 to 59, getting older was associated with a
decreased likelihood of orgasming for men. For women, it was the
opposite: Older women were more likely to say they'd orgasmed during
their last sexual encounter than younger women.
Lethal lust
Can oral sex kill? It's incredibly rare, but there are a few reported cases
of mostly pregnant women ending up with venous air embolisms after
their partners blew air into their vaginas during sex. When they enter
the circulatory system, air bubbles can block vessels, causing pain,
tissue damage and, in extreme cases, death.
Researchers reported a case of venous air embolism after oral sex in the Journal of Emergency Medicine in 1993, but the danger is nevertheless slim. A 1998 paper published in the Postgraduate Medical Journal reviewed data on more than 20 million pregnancies, and found only 18 cases where a venous embolism caused death. In 2007, a similar review found only 22 cases of sex-related venous air embolism, 19 of which were in pregnant women.
Researchers reported a case of venous air embolism after oral sex in the Journal of Emergency Medicine in 1993, but the danger is nevertheless slim. A 1998 paper published in the Postgraduate Medical Journal reviewed data on more than 20 million pregnancies, and found only 18 cases where a venous embolism caused death. In 2007, a similar review found only 22 cases of sex-related venous air embolism, 19 of which were in pregnant women.
Induced ovulation
some mammals, semen may trigger ovulation. According to research
published in August 2012 in the journal PNAS, a compound in semen can trigger an egg to be released from the ovary
in animals that ovulate only when they've had sex. Not only did the
finding explain how this "induced ovulation" works, it raised questions
about human fertility. The same protein is present in human semen, but
because humans ovulate on a regular schedule, it's not clear whether it
has any function.
having sex seems to be gaining steam. A study conducted between 2006
and 2008 with 13,500 men and women found some 27 percent of male 15- to
24-year-olds had never had sexual contact,
of any form, with another person; in 2002, 22 percent of this age group
said the same. For females in that same age group, 29 percent had never
had sex in the 2006-08 survey, compared with 22 percent who said the
same in 2002. Not to worry, these are not your 40-year-old virgins. The
study, carried out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
found almost everyone ages 25 to 44 had taken the plunge and had sex.
It can be restful
as people can sleep-walk, sleep-eat and sleep-drive, they can have sex
during a snooze. The condition is called "sexsomnia," and it occurs when
people engage in sexual behavior while asleep. A 2010 study found that of 832 patients at a sleep disorders clinic, 7.6 percent reported sleep-sex.
Sweet dreams
Speaking of sleep and sex, men have a leg up here. When their heads hit the pillow, women tend to have more nightmares,
while men dream of sex more often. The study, which included nearly 200
male and female young adults, found women's nightmares could be broadly
divided into three categories: fearful dreams (being chased or life
threatened), losing a loved one, and confused dreams. When the ladies'
dreams did head into the naughty direction, they reported more kissing
and sexual fantasies about other dream characters; men, meanwhile,
reported more actual intercourse.
It can make you sleepy
Guys' tendency to snooze after sex
may be based in science. Most practically, couples often do the deed at
night, in bed, and sex takes physical energy. Then there's biology:
When guys orgasm, their brains release a mix of chemicals, including
prolactin, which spikes during shut-eye in animals. In addition,
injections of it have been shown to make animals sleepy. Brain-imaging
research has also suggested to reach orgasm, guys and gals must let go
of anxiety, something that would seem to put you in a relaxed — even
sleepy — state. That means lights out for guys.
It can be addictive
Some of us even use sex like we would a cigarette or a stiff drink — sex is an addiction,
scientists say. While they haven't agreed on a definition of what is
formally called hypersexual disorder, scientists say it's not normal
sexual behavior, even frequent sex or pornography watching. Rather,
those with the disorder tend to feel out of control and act on sexual
urges with no consideration of consequences. Sex addicts may also use
sexual activity to deal with stress; and like other addictions, this one
interferes with the person's ability to function day-to-day.
Risky sex
one to throw into the no-duh category, but nevertheless, science has
found one way to better ensure risky sex: Get drunk. The study, detailed
in the January 2012 issue of the journal Addiction, found the more
alcohol participants consumed, the higher their willingness to engage in
unsafe sex. The researchers noted the finding is an important one, as
unsafe sex is a major pathway to HIV infection and other diseases.
Despite this risk, HIV incidence in most high-income countries like the
United States hasn't changed much over the past decade, they said.
Oh yeah, meth use can also fuel risky sexual behaviors. A study published in the Aug. 1 issue of the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine found participants (young men who have sex with other men) who had recently used methamphetamine were also more likely than others to have sex with an HIV-infected other and an injection drug user.
Oh yeah, meth use can also fuel risky sexual behaviors. A study published in the Aug. 1 issue of the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine found participants (young men who have sex with other men) who had recently used methamphetamine were also more likely than others to have sex with an HIV-infected other and an injection drug user.
Sex thoughts
Were you under the impression that guys think about sex 24-7? Not so, say researchers who found men think about sleep and food as much as they ponder sex. The median number of thoughts about sex
by college-age men was 18 times a day to women's 10 times a day,
according to the study published in the January 2012 issue of the
Journal of Sex Research. But the men also thought about food and sleep
proportionately more.
Post-sex blues
is supposed to bring ecstasy, but for some women it can bring the
blues. Called postcoital dysphoria, this experience of negative feelings
following otherwise satisfactory intercourse is not so uncommon. About
33 percent of 200 young women participating in a study by the Queensland
University of Technology said they had experienced post-sex blues at
some point in their lives. While scientists had thought the melancholy
following sex was linked to past sexual abuse, the new study found only a
modest association with psychological distress. "This suggests other
factors such as biological predisposition may be more important in
understanding the phenomenon and identifying women at risk of
experiencing postcoital dysphoria," researcher Robert Schweitzer said in
a statement.
When it's mind-blowing
sex in space doesn't blow your mind, this will — Sex can trigger
transient global amnesia, a rare condition in which memory suddenly,
temporarily, disappears. Researchers describe one instance in which a
54-year-old woman showed up in the emergency room at Georgetown
University Hospital unable to remember the past 24 hours. Her amnesia,
it seems, had started right after having sex with her husband just an
hour before. The mind-blowing sex
affects just three to five people per 100,000 each year. But what makes
transient global amnesia so eerie is that researchers aren't sure what
causes it, or why patients remain otherwise chatty and alert while
missing large chunks of their memories.
Sex in space
A far-out thought: Could you have sex in zero-gravity?
Well, the idea has yet to be tested as far as anyone knows, though if
the human race were to colonize another orb it'd be key, albeit, tricky.
"Sex is very difficult in zero gravity, apparently, because you have
no traction and you keep bumping against the walls," biologist Athena
Andreadis of the University of Massachusetts Medical School told, a sister site to LiveScience. "Think about it: you have no
friction, you have no resistance."
Sex evolved to ...
Why do we have sex
in the first place? One of the strongest hypotheses for why organisms
have two sexes that have sex is the so-called Red Queen Hypothesis,
which is named after the monarch in Lewis Carroll's "Through the Looking
Glass." The hypothesis suggests organisms are in a constant race with
the parasites that live on them; as parasites evolve genetic mutations
to take advantage of organisms' weaknesses, those organisms with rare
versions of genes, called alleles, are less susceptible and more likely
to survive the parasitic onslought. Sex, it seems, gives such organisms a
leg up, according to a study in the journal Science.
"This continual selection for rarity favors sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction; sexual recombination allows hosts to reshuffle their pack of alleles and generate new, rare combinations in their offspring," writes Michael Brothurst of the University of Liverpool in the research article.
"This continual selection for rarity favors sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction; sexual recombination allows hosts to reshuffle their pack of alleles and generate new, rare combinations in their offspring," writes Michael Brothurst of the University of Liverpool in the research article.
Attachment style
you clingy? How about aloof? Turns out, both types can wreak havoc on
sex, according to a review of research detailed July 3, 2012, in The
Journal of Sexual Medicine. The study researchers suggest those who are
clingy (also called anxious attachment) may put a lot of effort into
encouraging a partner to have sex, placing too much importance on sex in
a relationship and being hypervigilant about sexual rejection. At the
other end of the spectrum, those with avoidant attachment styles may
represssexual desire, arousal and pleasure from orgasm, and distance themselves from a partner who is interested in sex. The result: less sexual satisfaction.
Sexy disgust
icky bodily fluids being swapped during sexual intercourse are enough
to take the pleasure out of a roll in the hay. But research detailed
online Sept. 12, 2012, suggests we don't gross out because sexual arousal somehow dampens our disgust response.
In the study of heterosexuals, the researchers found women primed to be
sexually aroused found activities that might otherwise seem sexually
disgusting (think touching "used" condoms) much less gross than other
participants. The results may shed light on problems of sexual arousal and sexual pain disorders; perhaps these women arousal doesn't dampen their disgust responses.
Designer vaginas
sexual dysfunction may stem from how a woman feels about the appearance
of her genitals. The anxiety over "large" labia or lips has led women
to seek female genital cosmetic surgery. An analysis of 10 websites for
practices offering these procedures suggests they provide confusing
information on the actual procedures, lack short- and long-term risk
information and promote unsubstantiated claims of the psychological,
physical and sexual enhancements tied to the procedures sometimes
referred to as designer vaginas.
Sexy 6-year-olds?
starts early, with girls as young as 6 already thinking of themselves
as sex objects of sorts, according to a study detailed July 6, 2012, in
the journal Sex Roles. Using paper dolls to assess self-sexualization in a group of 6- to 9-year-old girls,
the researchers found girls chose the "sexy" doll most often. For
instance, 68 percent of the girls said the doll looked how she wanted to
look, while 72 percent said the sexy dolls were more popular than the
non-sexy ones.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Step 1. Make observations:
Raw milk is a complete, living food. Pasteurized is dead and non living. Strange things will happen to pasteurized milk if allowed to "grow" in an un refrigerated environment. Raw milk can be grown, as done for centuries to make many types of products, without negative side effects, like mold.
Step 2. Form a hypothesis:
When raw milk and pasteurized milk (organic and conventional) are left at room temperature, bacteria will grow. The environment for bacteria will either allow for mold, bad bacteria, or an unnatural outcomes. Raw milk will become an edible, enjoyable, product safe to consume. Pasteurized milk is become moldy and unsafe to consume.
Step 3. Make a prediction:
Raw milk will become a sour cream or separated cheese-like product (safe to consume and enjoy). Pasteurized milk is become rancid and harmful to consume. Raw milk will become an edible, enjoyable, product safe to consume. Pasteurized milk is become moldy and unsafe to consume.
Step 4. Perform an experiment: Picture Proof
The 5 jars were all filled on the same day. I prefer not to reveal the brand name on the labels but 2 are conventional and 2 are organic. The whole milk is jersey milk with cows on grass. Jars were all sterilized. I tightened all the lids and then backed them off a half turn.
I have done this before and I am absolutely stunned at how little remains of what is labeled " whole " milk. Isn't this blatantly dishonest labeling? It is also consistent that the UHT goes bad fast.
Step 5. Analyze the results of the experiment:
Mold growth/ pictures (mold on lids show an estimate in the qty of mold growth inside the jars).
Raw Whole Milk: NO MOLD LEVELS
Pasteurized Whole Milk: Medium mold levels
Pasteurized 2% Milk: HIGH mold levels
Pasteurized Organic Whole Milk: Medium mold levels
ULTRA High Temp Pasteurized 2 % Milk: EXTREMELY HIGH mold levels
Step 6. Draw a conclusion:
Drink raw milk. It is a living, bio-diverse perfect food. Drink Organic Pastures Dairy Raw Milk for the best, most delicious raw milk.
THOUGHTS???? Would you want to consume a product that is not going to thrive inside your warm body (like room temperature environment)?
Raw milk is a complete, living food. Pasteurized is dead and non living. Strange things will happen to pasteurized milk if allowed to "grow" in an un refrigerated environment. Raw milk can be grown, as done for centuries to make many types of products, without negative side effects, like mold.
Step 2. Form a hypothesis:
When raw milk and pasteurized milk (organic and conventional) are left at room temperature, bacteria will grow. The environment for bacteria will either allow for mold, bad bacteria, or an unnatural outcomes. Raw milk will become an edible, enjoyable, product safe to consume. Pasteurized milk is become moldy and unsafe to consume.
Step 3. Make a prediction:
Raw milk will become a sour cream or separated cheese-like product (safe to consume and enjoy). Pasteurized milk is become rancid and harmful to consume. Raw milk will become an edible, enjoyable, product safe to consume. Pasteurized milk is become moldy and unsafe to consume.
Step 4. Perform an experiment: Picture Proof
The 5 jars were all filled on the same day. I prefer not to reveal the brand name on the labels but 2 are conventional and 2 are organic. The whole milk is jersey milk with cows on grass. Jars were all sterilized. I tightened all the lids and then backed them off a half turn.
I have done this before and I am absolutely stunned at how little remains of what is labeled " whole " milk. Isn't this blatantly dishonest labeling? It is also consistent that the UHT goes bad fast.
Step 5. Analyze the results of the experiment:
Mold growth/ pictures (mold on lids show an estimate in the qty of mold growth inside the jars).
Raw Whole Milk: NO MOLD LEVELS
Pasteurized Whole Milk: Medium mold levels
Pasteurized 2% Milk: HIGH mold levels
Pasteurized Organic Whole Milk: Medium mold levels
ULTRA High Temp Pasteurized 2 % Milk: EXTREMELY HIGH mold levels
Step 6. Draw a conclusion:
Drink raw milk. It is a living, bio-diverse perfect food. Drink Organic Pastures Dairy Raw Milk for the best, most delicious raw milk.
THOUGHTS???? Would you want to consume a product that is not going to thrive inside your warm body (like room temperature environment)?
Friday, June 7, 2013
for more >> Time 4 Learning
Good rest and sound sleep is very important... if u don't sleep well, the toxins in your body will accumulate... Affecting your health and your mood...
The main causes of liver damage are:
1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are the main cause..
2. Not urinating in the morning.
3. Too much eating.
4. Skipping breakfast.
5. Consuming too much medication.
6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial
7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use
when frying, which includes even the best Cooking oils like olive oil. Do not
consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.
8. Consuming overly done foods also add to the burden of liver. Veggies should
be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried Veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.
We have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits is very important for our body to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals.
Evening 9 - 11pm: is the time for eliminating unnecessary/ toxic chemicals (detoxification) from the antibody system (lymph nodes). This time duration should be spent by relaxing or listening to music. If during this time a housewife is still in a unrelaxed state such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing their homework, this will have a negative impact on her health.
Night at 11pm - 1am: The de-toxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state.
Early morning 1 - 3am: de-toxification process in the gall, also ideally done in a deep sleep state.
Early morning 3 - 5am: de-toxification in the lungs. Therefore there will sometimes be a severe cough for cough sufferers during this time. Since the de-toxification process had reached the respiratory tract, there is no need to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with toxin removal process.
Morning 5 - 7am: de-toxification in the colon, you should empty your bowel.
Morning 7 - 9am: Absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, you should be having breakfast at this time. Breakfast should be earlier, before 6:30am, for those who are sick. Breakfast before 7:30am is very beneficial to those wanting to stay fit. Those who always skip breakfast, they should change their habits, and it is still better to eat breakfast late until 9 -10am rather than no meal at all. Sleeping so late and waking up too late will disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals.
Midnight to 4am is the time when the bone marrow produces blood.
Therefore, have a good sleep and don't sleep late.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Kanak-kanak, perangsang selera makan dan maltodekstrin
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Hospitals add maltodextrin to the food because it acts as an appetite stimulant. |
Tidak dapat dinafikan ramai ibubapa mengambil jalan mudah apabila anak
kurang selera makan. Punca dalaman yang melanda tidak di seledik
langsung dan terus sahaja mencapai supplement yang berjanji akan
meningkatkan selera makan tanpa sedar ia mengandungi maltodekstrin.
Maltodekstrin adalah "appetie stimulant" kerana ia akan menjadikan badan kita form satu habit supaya makan lebih. Diperbuat daripada kanji, ia adalah gula ringkas yang mudah sahaja ia menyerap ke dalam badan dan memberi rasa puas. Ia juga boleh menyebabkan kenaikan insulin secara mendadak. Ini boleh membawa kepada penyimpanan lebihan tenaga dalam bentuk lemak, yang boleh menyebabkan pertambahan berat badan yang tidak sihat. Kalau kita kerap dedahkan badan kepada kenaikan insulin secara mendadak, tak mustahil satu hari nanti ketika dewasa anak kita akan mendapat diabetes
Maltodekstrin tidak mengandungi nutrisi value langsung. Maltodekstrin mempunyai ciri-ciri yang menarik yang mampu untuk lulus dengan cepat dari saluran pencernaan ke dalam aliran darah. Seperti glukosa, ia boleh agak mudah lulus melalui dinding usus dan ke dalam darah. Ini menyebabkan hanya satu titik yang membimbangkan. Badan anak akan membentuk tabiat, yang bermaksud bahawa ia berfungsi terbaik apabila ia boleh meramalkan dan bersedia pada persekitarannya yang ia biasa. Badan sentiasa menyesuaikan amalan berdasarkan tabiat kita. Jika anda mengambil tidur sebentar pada waktu tertentu setiap hari, kemudian selepas seketika, anda akan mula berasa benar-benar tidur sekitar masa itu setiap hari, walaupun jika anda hendak melangkau sehari dan tidak mengambil tidur sebentar. Ini kerana badan anda, dalam persediaan, melepaskan melatonin, yang merupakan hormon tidur, ke dalam aliran darah anda kerana ia biasa dengan tabiat anda untuk mengambil tidur sebentar.
Makanan ringan sering sangat mudah dicerna, yang memerlukan pemprosesan dan aktiviti pencernaan yang sangat sedikit. Kebanyakan makanan ringan mengandungi gula dan pengisi seperti Maltodekstrin. Kami percaya apabila tabiat makanan anak kita lebih pada makanan ringan atau makanan yang ada Maltodekstrin, lebih malas sistem penghadaman menjadi. Tubuh menyedari yang ia tidak memerlukan enzim pencernaan bekerja untuk mencerna nutrisi yang kosong yang diberikan. Jika ini benar-benar berlaku, dan terdapat beberapa bukti untuk menyokong teori ini, maka apa yang berlaku ialah apabila seseorang dengan sistem penghadaman malas makan makanan yang kompleks seperti sayur-sayuran dan lain-lain makanan yang padat nutrien, badan mungkin mendapati dirinya agak tidak bersedia dan tidak tahu untuk memungut manfaat maksimum daripada makanan. Jadi banyak vitamin mineral, penting, dan faedah pemakanan lain sia-sia kerana badan kita lebih kepada tabiat mogok dan hanya mahu makanan yang mudah dihadam.
Semak supplement anak anda dan pastikan ianya tidak mengandungi gula tambahan MALTODEXTRIN (Maltodekstrin) kerana ia sama sahaja dengan memberi JUNK FOOD pada anak.
sumber: articles/ maltodextrin-dangers.html
http:// Maltodextrin-Side-Effects
Maltodekstrin adalah "appetie stimulant" kerana ia akan menjadikan badan kita form satu habit supaya makan lebih. Diperbuat daripada kanji, ia adalah gula ringkas yang mudah sahaja ia menyerap ke dalam badan dan memberi rasa puas. Ia juga boleh menyebabkan kenaikan insulin secara mendadak. Ini boleh membawa kepada penyimpanan lebihan tenaga dalam bentuk lemak, yang boleh menyebabkan pertambahan berat badan yang tidak sihat. Kalau kita kerap dedahkan badan kepada kenaikan insulin secara mendadak, tak mustahil satu hari nanti ketika dewasa anak kita akan mendapat diabetes
Maltodekstrin tidak mengandungi nutrisi value langsung. Maltodekstrin mempunyai ciri-ciri yang menarik yang mampu untuk lulus dengan cepat dari saluran pencernaan ke dalam aliran darah. Seperti glukosa, ia boleh agak mudah lulus melalui dinding usus dan ke dalam darah. Ini menyebabkan hanya satu titik yang membimbangkan. Badan anak akan membentuk tabiat, yang bermaksud bahawa ia berfungsi terbaik apabila ia boleh meramalkan dan bersedia pada persekitarannya yang ia biasa. Badan sentiasa menyesuaikan amalan berdasarkan tabiat kita. Jika anda mengambil tidur sebentar pada waktu tertentu setiap hari, kemudian selepas seketika, anda akan mula berasa benar-benar tidur sekitar masa itu setiap hari, walaupun jika anda hendak melangkau sehari dan tidak mengambil tidur sebentar. Ini kerana badan anda, dalam persediaan, melepaskan melatonin, yang merupakan hormon tidur, ke dalam aliran darah anda kerana ia biasa dengan tabiat anda untuk mengambil tidur sebentar.
Makanan ringan sering sangat mudah dicerna, yang memerlukan pemprosesan dan aktiviti pencernaan yang sangat sedikit. Kebanyakan makanan ringan mengandungi gula dan pengisi seperti Maltodekstrin. Kami percaya apabila tabiat makanan anak kita lebih pada makanan ringan atau makanan yang ada Maltodekstrin, lebih malas sistem penghadaman menjadi. Tubuh menyedari yang ia tidak memerlukan enzim pencernaan bekerja untuk mencerna nutrisi yang kosong yang diberikan. Jika ini benar-benar berlaku, dan terdapat beberapa bukti untuk menyokong teori ini, maka apa yang berlaku ialah apabila seseorang dengan sistem penghadaman malas makan makanan yang kompleks seperti sayur-sayuran dan lain-lain makanan yang padat nutrien, badan mungkin mendapati dirinya agak tidak bersedia dan tidak tahu untuk memungut manfaat maksimum daripada makanan. Jadi banyak vitamin mineral, penting, dan faedah pemakanan lain sia-sia kerana badan kita lebih kepada tabiat mogok dan hanya mahu makanan yang mudah dihadam.
Semak supplement anak anda dan pastikan ianya tidak mengandungi gula tambahan MALTODEXTRIN (Maltodekstrin) kerana ia sama sahaja dengan memberi JUNK FOOD pada anak.
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